On the sporadic nature of recent blog posts:

Who doesn’t get discouraged, or busy, or both? There’s solace in the fact that dormancy – the gathering in of energies and their conservation for an opportune moment – always breaks.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Spring is here and it's time to plant cool crops. 
I have been busy nursing seeds into seedlings since February and have a wide variety of plants for sale.

Seeds busy growing under lights.

A wide array of transplanted seedlings.

Winterbor Kale

Redbor Kale                           Red Russian Kale

Calendula: not just a pretty flower. 
Also known as "poor man's saffron" for its ability to dye foods saffron-gold.

Enjoy the tissuey red flowers and then harvest the seeds from the cool seedpods for good eats.
Limba, Diplomat, and Romanesco. 
Romanesco is actually a greenish cauliflower that will amaze you with the fractal spirals of its head.

Fun Jen Chinese Cabbage
An elegant upright vase-shaped Chinese cabbage with stout white ribs and chartreuse leaves.  I also have more tradional Napa-style Chinese cabbages.
A happy individual plant could easily weigh in at 4-5 lbs!

Gigante d'Italia Flat-Leaf Parsley: 
A burst of flavor from plants that will keep putting out fresh foliage all year long.

Cornflowers/Bachelor Buttons
The clearest cheeriest of blue meadow flowers borne on silvery stems.

A wide variety of heirloom tomatoes, Sungold cherry tomatoes, and husk cherries are on the way, as well as basil, peppers, and eggplants.

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