“When the Dharma Body awakens completely,
There is nothing at all.
The source of our self-nature
Is the Buddha of innocent truth.
Mental and physical reactions come and go
Like clouds in the empty sky;
Greed, hatred, and ignorance appear and disappear
Like bubbles on the surface of the sea.”
(from Zhengdaoge/Shodoka)
“When the Dharma Body awakens completely/ There is nothing at all…”
Mycorrhizae, root hairs, ants, voles.
Birds, acorns, barberry fruits, and seeds in a matrix of excrement.
Winds used to carry North American pine pollen hundreds of miles out into the Atlantic Ocean, dumbfounding European sailors in clouds of gold.
Canopy leaves catch dust in the hot breeze, rains catch dust in vertical rivers, bark catches dust floods in channels, moss catches innumerable unkown Nile silts in luxuriant green deltas at the foot of the oak in the backyard.
Who is in control?
To carry yourself forward and experience myriad things is delusion. That myriad things come forth and experience themselves is awakening.
Looking out, there are birds and roots, dust and leaves and moss.
Looking around, what is there? Kaleidoscope center, still point among the shifting colors. Amazement.
The sailors lift their eyes from their tasks to see the backs of their hands, the rigging, and the sails, the sky and the clouds covered in gold. Their mouths hang open and their eyes widen, lost.